Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Still Small Voice

My mom has been telling me that I need to share this story and also write it down so that I remember it always...

I quit my nanny job for the 4 boys I was nannying in August. It got to be complete HELL!!! I had been fighting back that "little voice" for a month to quit my job. I had been praying if it was really what I was supposed to do. I had no other job lined up or any clue if and when I would find one. On day while at work it just hit, I had to quit and I had to tell them now. I text the lady I was nannying for and told her that I was putting in my two weeks and that I just couldnt do this anymore. 2 weeks later I was with out a job and I prayed daily that I would find a job asap. There was no way Brock and I could live with only his income. I put my complete faith in Heavenly Father and I knew he had a plan for me, I just had to wait for that right time to come.
A few weeks later my cousins mom text me wondering if I wanted to be a nanny for them because their nanny couldnt do it anymore. My prayers had been answered!!! Heavenly Father truely does listen. Sometimes we dont have the faith, or its not the time to recieve an answer. I was not expecting to find a job that fast. I know that the "little voice" was leading me the right way and Im so glad that I had the faith to follow it. I know that this job was an answer to my prayers! It truely is a blessing in so many different ways!

So now I nanny my cousins. I love it! I have 3 kids. Girl-9, Girl-7, and Boy 2 1/2. The two girls go to school so its just me the little guy during the day. Nannying for family is a different experience, but a good one! And I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to be in their daily lives. I love getting to know them even better. I pray and hope that I can not only be "just a nanny" but a good influence to them and someone they can look up to and confide in when times are rough. I love them!